Saturday, November 28, 2009

The End is in Sight

The end is in sight. I finally was able to go on my mid tour leave in early November to celebrate my 30th birthday with friends n family. I enjoyed spending time with my family and relaxing at home. I did not get out much, so if I did not see you we can catch up in March/April. I did finally (after about 8 years of having a motorcycle endorsement on my license) buy a motorcycle. The nice weather in November allowed my so get my fix of bike riding to last me until spring. Leave went by very fast and I look forward to getting home again.
At the rate of my posts this could be my last post, but I have a little catching up to do. Things up until I left had not really changed that much. I was working in the temporary badging area at the entry control point and I was in a pretty comfortable routine. Work, eat, n workout....pretty simple. Now that I am back in Iraq, I have been switched to a new job at the ECP and is a consolidation of two peoples work in the permanent bading area. In addition to the new job, we have started the process of packing up some of our equipment to ship back home. It is amazing how much stuff a person can accumulate over 9 months. (please do not send anymore packages)(but thanks for everything people have sent) Also in addition to the two above mentioned things, I have decided to compete for the NCO of the Quarter competition for our company. If it goes well, there will be more competitions and less time. Basically my plate is spilling over, but it makes the time go by. I am looking at being stateside by the end of January and have some military schooling to take care of to finish up this adventure. I have been pleased with my experience so far, and I can say that I have had the opportunity to do alot of different things that are positive in nature. I can say that I was pesimestic about leaving the motorpool (thats what I came here be a mechanic), but have had opportunities to grow that the motorpool could not have offered me.
The weather here pretty much sucks now. It seems like it rains everyday and I will try gather some interesting pictures of what rainfall does to Iraq. It makes a dirty place even dirtier. Water does not absorb into the ground and the concrete barriers have a hard time staying in one place when the ground gets soft n muddy.
I have enjoyed the opportunity to work on my physical conditioning. I believe I am in the best shape of my life and hope I can maintain my body once I get back home. I have lost about 40 lbs and had to buy new clothes when I was home on leave. I cant imagine what my work suits will look like when I try them on when I am ready to go back to work. I guess that will be another shopping trip.
Hopefully some more posts to come,

Friday, September 11, 2009

I love my day off

Hello All,

It has been a few weeks since my last post, but has not seemed like that many. Days seem to fly by....I am in constant motion up until I run out gas with me trying to write on last email or look at one more website.

Things are well. I am writing this on 9/11, a day all of us will remember. The operating environment here shows hope for change. I work with local nationals (Iraqis) everyday and have developed a couple of new friendships. The 34th ID is here not in a search and destroy mission, but a training and relationship building mission. It will be easier to come back home with a clear head knowing that we made a positive (maybe neutral, but surely not negative) impact on the area we were placed in.

Today, I will go thru a ceremony placing me in the Non Commisioned Officer Corp. More of a formality, but there will be pleanty of senior NCO leaders there and one of them mentioned that this would be kinda like a college graduation ceremony. We had a rehearsal this morning and have a live event this evening.

I had the Division Sargeant Major come out to our ECP yesterday to tour the area and see how the process works. With about an hours notice, we had our place shining and were prepared for anything. Timing was perfect. We were fully staffed and we had a bunch of people waiting to go through the ID process. With a few basic questions and some small chat, he thanked us for our time and left with a handshake (in the hand shake was a CSM coin). Coins are kinda a wierd thing for the military and I have maybe a dozen from different people, but is kinda of nice to collect and remember stories. It is also nice to get some from people high on the foodchain.

Overall, things are going very well. My job is going well and I have a sense of job satisfaction & pride in the area I oversea. I have things to look forward to: I have my leave in November and I have been registered for a NCO developmet class in WA at the end of this deployment (it was nice to see a date on paper of when I would start something on the states). I continually get to see new pictures of my beautiful children (and wife) on facebook. Those pics are good n bad: it gives me a sense that time is passing. I have not experienced any changing of the seasons here. It has rained twice since early May and it only changes from hot to really hot to really hot n humid. The bad part about it is that I see my children growing up so fast and hate not to be there with them. Alex is starting middle school and graduated from RAAA football program to Rosemount Middle School program. He is super excited and thru text messages it sounds like he is enjoying the change to middle school alot. Annika is starting 1st grade and will be away from mom and little sister for a full school day now. I think she is having the hardest time with me being gone and I hope me being back in Nov for a couple weeks will help. Mia is a crazy little monkey and is enjoying her one on one time with mommy when the two older ones are at school.

Well thats all for now...not alot of new pictures as we are not allowed to take any pictures at our work site. But I will try to get some more up.



Sunday, August 16, 2009

Goodbye Motorpool

Hello All,

It has been a long time since my last post. The is mostly in part because I had been doing the absolutely the same thing every day....which was trying to stay busy in the motorpool, where we had almost too many bodies compared to work coming in.

I guess a couple small things have happened....
-i have been promoted to the rank of Sargaent
-we have been mortared/rocketed several times, in which on one event we lost 3 of our fellow soldiers
-i have been assigned to work at the ECP (entry control point) where all LNs (local nationals) enter onto COB Basra.

The change from wrenching on the overnight shift (mainly keeping myself motivated) to working at the ECP has been a pretty drastic, but good change. My new job, which i do not know what kind of title it carries yet, is more of customer service/security job. I oversee a team of about 4 soldiers and make sure the badge issueing and control process works well. Alot of basic fundamentals from the bank work well in here. It is pretty neat to interact with the local Iraqis entering this base for work on a daily basis. We have several 'terps (interperters) working with us.....often during slow times we discuss different aspects of each others cultures. I am trying to learn some arabic first hand and it is coming in little bits. I have picked up some greetings, shut the door, open eye, right hand, and left hand. Those are all kind a wierd phrases u might think, but work well in the biometric screening of the indivuals that are entering.

The days for this job are quite long....we are working approx 13 hour shifts and start when the sun is coming up and end when the sun is coming down. Although, I swear the shifts go faster than when i was at the motorpool working shorter hours. Most nights after work I try to do 2 things - go to the gym and check my email. I often still make it to the gym, but I have been known to wake up with the computer on my lap after I had passed out from an email session. My days usually start with the alarm clock going off at about 4:30 and so I about an hour of time to talk to my roomate that is still working nights at the motorpool.

The trailer/office that I work in is nothing fancy and i will try to get some pics posted of my new work area. i have several work orders in place to get some of the minor cosmetic repairs completed. i will try to get something up sooner than later. i am assuming that i will have more to talk about working in this area than the last area i was in.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Hello Everyone!

Alot of time has passed since my last blog update, but things remain fairly consistant where I am at. I am still working in the motorpool and now have switched to the night shift to avoid the Iraq heat. I was pretty hesitant to starting nights, but love it now. Things are still being developed for us soldiers here in Basra, but seems like if we dont have it yet, we really wont need it. Everyday seems to roll together and I just try to keep busy. It seems to work out as I hit the gym often and makes sleeping the time off easy. I will have to say that it is nice having a good group of friends around here to make this whole process easier. Most of us worked together back home and it makes days better when you seem to have an off day.

I have my CHU (containerized housing unit) 99% the way I want it. We have even made a patio for the front of it to make hanging out that much nicer. I recently bought a small fridge to make beverages cold on demand. I have had the opportunity to get internet wired to my room and have a phone to make outgoing calls for free whenever I want to (as long as the internet is working). I am doing well and am in the best shape that I can remember. I have my 2 mile run time down to about 14:30 and set a personal best of 301 straight sit ups. I am motivated by boredom and the opportunity to have my dad send out a new christmas card with my new and improved body. (a couple years ago he sent out a picture of me at the lake about 35 lbs heavier) ohhhh well. I just got done talking to my family at the was nice to hear everyone and it will probably be one of the hardest holidays to get through. Probably the one week out of the year when I got to do nothing, drink beer, fish, tube down the river, and enjoy the company of family n friends.

If there is anything else that you would like to hear, let me know. I look forward to being back home sooner or later. It is nice to see that it is already July and this is flying by. I have Fridays off, so I hope to have atleast a weekly update.
Until next time,

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bashra Life

Hello Everyone,

Sorry it has been awhile since my last post....I am still waiting for internet to my room. Things are going well here. We have seemed to get into some type of routine for our days. I am evening getting back into to the gym. The heat here is intense and many people say it will only get worse. I think it was about 115 degrees yesterday.....and during that time I was working outdoors in the shop and suntanning on my lunch break. I think being in shape helps a person alot with handling the heat. I am actually used to having sweat dripping off my body most parts of the day...although we have had some soldiers with some heat injuries, none have been severe. Just need to push lots of fluids all day. We still have 3 people to our 2 person CHU (containerized housing unit). I am excited to get some internet in my room to post some pics off of my camera.

I am doing well and do not need too much. We have pretty much everything here and the cannot have any liquor or alcohol. Grandma Jo - thank you for the mop. I will be sure to post some pics of our CHU when I get internet up.....I even took some today while I was tanning/working on my weapon.



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

100th day??

Hello All,

I am checking in from Talil, Iraq aka Camp Adder. I think according to Jess I am approaching the 100th day mark for my deployment. We have spent most of the time up until now working to be ready for our "special purpose". We are still unpacking boxes and cleaning/rearranging our shop to our liking.

Living conditions in Camp Bashra are improving. It had been under British control up until now. I am not sure what they soldiers on this base were used to, but there is not much as far as extra activities to keep urself busy. It is by far the most basic base I have been to on this journey. They are in process of expanding the PX here. Right now they have problems keeping many items in stock for soldiers to buy. At Bashra, I couldn't buy a broom for my room or even an air freshener. You can imagine how we get to start smelling after a long days work outside. But they have told us that they will be building one of the biggest PX's in Iraq by the end of July/August.

I should have an internet connection to my room within a week....I should have much more time to keep updated on the internet. I also have a TV coming from Jess (thank you to Best Buy for paying for shipping)....things should be on the up n up with in a week or two.

I miss everyone and cant wait to enjoy a summer at home....I will miss spending Memorial Day with family up at the lake.

Thats all for now,


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Updated Address

Here is a poster i found in one of the shower/latrine trailers. I did not have the temptation to wash my feet in the sink because I used my hands to wipe. lol.

Anyway the moral to my new post is that my mailing address has been changed slightly for increased effientcy in receiving mail.

The new address is:
Holl, Samuel
HSC, 34th ID, MAINT 1, UNIT 117
APO AE 09374

Feel free to mail away.....I will be at that address soon.
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kuwait Freeways

Hello Everyone,
Just taking some time to update my blog. I recently had the chance to drive on Kuwait Freeways for the first time. I will have to admit I was a little nervous the first time out. Not nervous for IEDs or gunshots, but nervous for other drivers, speedbumps, and unfamiliar roads. I was able to get a fair amount of drivetime on the roads and can say that I am used to the traffic patterns. I had to go to another drivers training class when I arrived in Kuwait for my NTV license (non tactical vehicle) and they warned us about the speeds and habits that others exhibit. For one example, so matter how many lanes are marked on the road, there are always room for more. Stop signs off post are mearly a suggestion. It is acceptable to tailgate and flash your brights when you want to pass. It is allright to flash your brights toward oncoming traffic for no reason. The fast lane is the fast lane so stay out unless ur in a race. I have heard that these roads are some of the deadliest in the region.....but all are human error. I personally saw a mid size truck sitting perpendicular on a guard rail about 20 feet from the hole that it placed in it. Anyway, I just stay out of the way and mind my own business when on the road.
I am still not in my job role as a wheeled mechanic, but am tasked with misc logistical operations. It is something to do for now, but I am looking forward to getting my hands dirty some vehicle work. Everyday is hot here and I have been able to experience my first sunburn. i am hesitant to relay specifics of where I am or what I am doing so do not think that my blog is extremely boring.
I am doing well and miss everyone extremely.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Still In Kuwait

Hello Everyone,

I have spent about two weeks here in lovely Kuwait. I think my body has adjusted to being off by about 8 hours. The days here continue to be busy (I like busy days). I have been working on misc duties to help process our soldiers thru here to Bashra. It looks like will will be here past the 1st week of May. Things are going well and drinking lots of water. My workout routine kinda took a dump since I got here, because there is no real routine to my day to day operations. I hope to get back in the swing of things when I get to iraq....most days when I get off duty, I am exhausted. For the most part, I am just happy that I am busy doing something, becasue I would go crazy sitting n doing nothing.

Thats all for now.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

hello kuwait

Hello Everyone!
I have made it to my new home in Kuwait. Things have been going pretty well. I have adjusted to the time change pretty well. I have finished up the required training in Kuwait and am ready to start working. The base here is pretty nice....I am sitting in a Starbucks using the wireless service they have on base. There are all sorts of little shops and services for soldiers here. They really treat us nice here, much better than the environment in Washington. Kinda wierd. I still have one more class that I have to is a NTV (non tactical vehicle) drivers training.....basically a class to allow me to drive regular ol cars on base here. The weather here is nice, sunny and hot. The only thing that could make it better is a pool n a corona. (the only thing this base does not have is a pool now that I think of it). The picture I posted is of the PX (post exchange)...there is all sorts of normal stuff inside and outside they have bazaars with misc vendors. Kinda fun to walk n look. (Randy-they had a hooka both there). Well my battery is running low and I dont have much more time.
Will post more later.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

goodbye FT Lewis?

I just finished up my pass in Seattle....other than the homeless n bad weather it was allright. It was weird to adjust to civilian life and now back to military life. I spent most of the time with Jess and another couple that was on pass too. I had my first beer in 8 weeks. It was fantastic...lots of cool little places to eat n drink at. The top picture is one of my bags that weighs alot. It is 1 out of 4 bags that i have packed up that are ready to go. I was able to draw my M249 saw again today....I was given a brand new one. We will see how this one works....I liked my last one.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

another quick week

Hello All,
This has been another week that has flown by. We are getting closer and closer to wrapping up the training phase in the states. A couple pics of interest: The bottom left is from the turn in facility where we inspect vehicles for turn in. The last day I was there, a stryker unit was shipping out vehicles for a training was pretty cool to see them all lined up. There are interesting looking vehicles...what is wierd that they are even more quiet than our trucks. The picture of the sticker is pretty much the symbol for the 34th Infanty Division "Red Bulls".....I have put up countless amounts of those stickers on all of our shipping containers (placed on all four sides). The last picture is of my squad leader, Jason, posing next to the air filter from the fork lift we are using from Ft Lewis.....that was the dirtiest air filter I have ever seen, litterally. We are not assigned to maintain the forklift, but needed to troubleshoot why is was running turn out when there is little to no air flow it doesnt want to run right. We have most of our vehicles turned in and there is not much work at the shop left other than clean up. We have had a couple half days at work and is nice to be rested up for the pass we will get. I plan on spending some time in Seattle having a fun time. The next hurdle for me is to get all the of the gear that they have issued me packed up....this will be quite a feat. That is all for now...I am sure I will have some more time in the next couple of days to add another post.
'Till next time,

Monday, March 30, 2009

Last Full Week???

Hello All,
It has been awhile since my last post....because there is really nothing that exciting happening here. I went through another class on the MRAP was basically a repeat of the first one I took, but only worse. The one picture of the trailer tipped is one of vehicle trailers that is not quite balance right. One of the guys went to hook it up to a truck and it tipped up as he was adjusting height to match the hitch. We tried putting 4 guys on the hitch to pull it back down and was unsuccessful (approx 800 lbs). We ended up using a forklift on the back side to get it back level. The other pic is me sitting on the hood of an uparmored humvee. They are pretty nice and even have air conditioning. We are gearing up to start getting all our vehicles turned in and our bags packed up. Nothing else too new other than we will not be able to get mail after April 8th. I will try to get another post this weekend. I have some pics to post, but not enough time tonight. I miss everyone and look forward to the day that I am back again.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mailing Address after April 1st

My new mailing address after April 1st will be:

Holl, Samuel
HHC STB, 34th INF DIV, Maint 1
APO AE, 09374

Please note there is no rank on this address or any reference to Iraq. I do not think I will actually be there until later April, so just email me if you want to mail a package during that time frame.

my last day off was Feb 9th

Hello everyone,
Today i was able to experience my first day off since Feb 9th (w/ restrictions). We were restricted to post and have no means of transportation other than a I woke up for breakfast, went back to bed, went to the gym for a long workout n sauna, and parked my butt in the computer lab. Pretty much what I do on a average day minus working at the motor pool. I have been able to get kinda good at running. I was able to do 1.5 hours of cardio on the treadmill and the eliptical machines. I was surprised to make 5 miles on the treadmill in 45 minutes. I plan on using all the gym time I can get, becuase I do not think we will this nice of a facility in Iraq. Being in shape also helps ur body deal with the heat and I assuming a heavier work load.
The above pictures are some pictures of our packing process. On Sunday and Monday I was one a few lucky people to help with packing one duffle bag for most of our battalion. It was two long days and we were complimented on how well the process went. The other pics are some containers that are packed and getting moved out. Quite a lengthy process to get everything coordinated for movement. I am glad I am just a worker bee in the whole process.
Yesterday, I was able to be one of two people to stencil equipment info on vehicles and trailers....turned out to be another later working day. They wanted it done while there was no rain. It turns out they made a good decision because it was raining when i woke up today (big surprise). It was kinda of interesting, because the stencil kit we were given was incomplete. We were creative on getting it all done.....had to make a "Z" into a "7" and "L" into a "1"...quite a process, but we finished at about 7 pm.
I will try to take more pics, but there is not much variance day to day.....still feels like I am living a the movie "Ground Hog Day". Not much else going on. I was able to have a video conference with my wife n kids tonight....the kids are still goofy, but none the less it was good to see their faces.
Thats all for today,

Monday, March 16, 2009

whats next?

Hello again everyone,
It amazes me that there is work everyday here for us to do. The actual work part is slowing down and now we get to focus more on the proactive side of training. We have a lot of new and inexperienced people in our section so it is good to to be doing this, so we know we are all on the same page. I was tasked to put on a class for the Army's TSP (Thrift Savings Plan).....basically our 401(k) plan. It should be fun...there are lots of young soldiers here and will have too much money when they get home, so my job is to plant a seed for them to do something wise with their money. It is pretty cool the Army has another savings program that will pay you an APY of 10% on monies up to 10k while we are overseas....not sure of anywhere else you can get that right now.
As you can see in the picture of me, I still have a touch of home with me. I am sporting my Rosemount Irish (Go Burnsville!) and my TCF can coolie. Unfortunately the only thing in the can coolie is Diet Mt Dew. Although, the lack of beer consumption has allowed me to reduce my weight and improve my run time and endurance.
I will have a new mailing address after April 1st for basically, mom you can send me any cookies in April. Mom, do not send me cookies in April until I know I get mail at new address (probably in later April).....I dont want to have in fuzzy cookies waiting for me.
Some of the other pictures are the guys painting the bottom of their bags and getting them stenciled for is amazing on the amount of gear that we have. I think I will probably have gear that weighs as much as me when I fly out of here. I will make sure I get some pics of the gear when it is all packed up.
Time is going by quickly....all the days are basically the same. It has already been over a month, but many more months to go. If you have any ?'s about military life, just leave a comment and I will try to blog about it. I hear it is pretty nice in MN, it is still really unpredictable as far as weather here. Yesterday, we had snow, rain, sleet, sunshine, and wind.....changed several times yesterday.
Thats all for now,

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another Week in Paradise

Hello All,
It has been a week since my last blog.....we have been busy at the motorpool everyday getting equipment ready to ship by boat. The weather here is up and down.....rain, sun, wind, and snow can happen all in one day. One picture is me sitting in my uparmored humvee class....they really are getting pretty cool.....they even now have air conditioning. Another pic has me standing in a pit inspecting the underside of vehicles that are getting ready to be railed to a boat somewhere. One sunny n clear days (not many here) we can see Mt Rainer. I think it is about 50 miles away.....Well I am running short on time. I hope to get another blog in midweek. Miss you all.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Motor Pool

Hello All,

This infamous piece of parking lot is the motor pool that I have been spending alot of my time in. It is quite a feat that the amount of packing that is going on. In addition to that we are trying to patch up vehicles with limited amount of tools. The amount of training has slowed down and we are focusing on getting crap ready. Most days we get a break to go down to the gym to accomplish some exercise. The days all grind together because they are all basically the same. We usually have some time for a movie in the evening. Right now we are watching the HBO series Generation Kill. The above picture of just the weapon is my 249 SAW Machine Gun with my night optics.....pretty cool to fire it at night.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting Heavier

This is a little picture of me with my gear....this was what was required for the classroom portion of the class. The days are all blending together as they are all busy, start early, and end late. Lately we have been spending time in training and also spending a fair amount of time getting our equipment ready. Still a fairly high level of chaos, but I look for small things to keep me busy.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Everyday is Friday

Hello All,

It has been about a week since my last post.....I have been either too busy or too exhausted to get to the computer lab. I have a bunch more pictures to post and lots of cool stories. The weather here is pretty snow and has been sunny more than I expected. We are basically in two different modes right now, setting up our work area and doing required training. Some required training is what brought me down to the computer lab this sunny Saturday afternoon. I just received a care package from my mom with beef jerky, cookies, and water flavor packets.....pretty weird what things you tend to want when you are here. I am nursing a cold right now. I think between all the shots and the change of weather (no more driving and getting out...we get to walk everywhere), it is taking a toll on my body. I will try to post some more pictures later.

Here is a link for the MRAP vehicle that we started some training on:


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today was another interesting Army day. We started the morning with no heat and was actually able to sleep until about 6 am. It turns out the reason we did not have heat was from no heating oil...novel concept. We then spent the day racing around warehouse facilities adding another 2 bags to the 4 I have already packed. Alot of new and improved equipment that I have not seen before....very cool. We will be able to turn some of the old stuff in later. Not sure what tomorrow will bring.....should hopefully find out soon.
BTW - Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009


The first night at Ft Lewis was interesting......the day was extended by 2 hours (time zone change), set up our bunks, and tried to find out what that funny smell was from. After careful deliberation, we tracked it down to a pair of boots located close to my bunk (not mine). We later tried to put them in a biohazard bag for overnight storage, but it did not work.....we may just have to store them in the front office. We are also thinking of hiding them next to other people's bunks for a good laugh......we will see how long it takes for the victim to find out where the mystery stench is from.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

I have moved in to my new housing

These are the WWII style housing we are staying in.....fabulous

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mailing Address

Here is my mailing address for the next 6-8 weeks. I like surprises and like to be informed with current events while I am away. News clippings, pictures, or anything else to keep me entertained/informed.


SPC, Holl, Samuel
1st JMB/34th Infantry Division/HHC, 34th STB
P.O. Box 339546, MS 120
Fort Lewis, WA 98433-9546


SPC, Holl, Samuel
1st JMB/34th Infantry Division/HHC, 34th STB
Cook Ave, Bldg #R9656
Fort Lewis, WA 98433-9546

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Intro to Blogging

This is my feeble attempt at starting my first blog. I am soon scheduled to deploy with the MN Army National Guard for awhile. Here is a link that sheds some light on what I might be going (things change frequently)

Champps Send off

Thanks to all my coworkers for the support they have given me. It has made the transition easier on my family and I as I am getting ready to deploy. It was a great time to socialize with all my TCF peeps one last time before I go. The gift was really appreciated and will be enjoyed.