Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Motor Pool

Hello All,

This infamous piece of parking lot is the motor pool that I have been spending alot of my time in. It is quite a feat that the amount of packing that is going on. In addition to that we are trying to patch up vehicles with limited amount of tools. The amount of training has slowed down and we are focusing on getting crap ready. Most days we get a break to go down to the gym to accomplish some exercise. The days all grind together because they are all basically the same. We usually have some time for a movie in the evening. Right now we are watching the HBO series Generation Kill. The above picture of just the weapon is my 249 SAW Machine Gun with my night optics.....pretty cool to fire it at night.


  1. Hey Sammo, The motor pool looks cool. The weather and landscape look really nice, hopefully you get to go off-roading. I love that you qualified as expert while shooting - I'm not surprised thinking back to the time we were out back shooting toys in the sandbox and you shot through your toe and still hit the target.

  2. I was reading Gub's comments on your shooting qualification and before I got to the end I was thinking "but wait, he shot himself in the toe when he was a kid"... well congrats on that, maybe they can line you up with a sniper rifle and you can sit a bit further back. I noticed the pic in your bed with the gun, it wasn't the SAW, hopefully it doesn't get jealous. Looks like a nice MN summer is already underway out there... I think it got below 0 here last night again.

  3. Hi Sam
    I tried to post a long comment on Sunday and it just vanished when I went to publish it. I don't know what I did wrong. I was writing about the shooting practice Gordon, Mark & Cindy did when they took gun training from a Mr. Blood of Barrett. He came out to the farm with amunition and the neighbor kids were involved too. He kept records and there were winners with target sheets saved. You should ask your Dad or Aunt Cindy some time.
    Anyway I will write it all again some day. I'm too tired tonight. I played cards at Senior Center Today. Got 2nd prize, Hard work you know.!! Good Night for now. Thinking of you. LOVE Gram Jo
