Saturday, February 14, 2009

Today was another interesting Army day. We started the morning with no heat and was actually able to sleep until about 6 am. It turns out the reason we did not have heat was from no heating oil...novel concept. We then spent the day racing around warehouse facilities adding another 2 bags to the 4 I have already packed. Alot of new and improved equipment that I have not seen before....very cool. We will be able to turn some of the old stuff in later. Not sure what tomorrow will bring.....should hopefully find out soon.
BTW - Happy Valentines Day!


  1. Happy Valentines to you too baby! What is the truck in the top pic? BTW- Your room is a mess!:)

  2. Hello Sam,
    Great way to keep in touch, we’ll be following closely
    God Bless to you, the troops and your family

    The Walters,
    Scott, Ann, Zachary & Ethan

  3. Hi Sam. We see that your followers are increasing exponentially. We check out this site all the time. We love and miss you already. Mom and Dad.

  4. Hey Sam
    This is my third attempt at trying to do this. So for now a belated Happy Valentine's Day. Really miss you and think about you always.
    Alex did really good in the BB game yesterday.
    Keep us posted, I have sent a couple of text messages and am not sure how all that works for you, so keep us informed as you learn more.

    Love ya, Mom

  5. What's that truck for? It would make a pretty sweet ice house if the Army has any spare ones when you're done next winter. Your room is really showing its Sam-ness - looks like how you used to keep it when we were younger.

  6. New gear? Like sharks with frickin lasers mounted on their heads?

  7. That truck is Cattle Truck and is used to transport us with our gear to field sites

