Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kuwait Freeways

Hello Everyone,
Just taking some time to update my blog. I recently had the chance to drive on Kuwait Freeways for the first time. I will have to admit I was a little nervous the first time out. Not nervous for IEDs or gunshots, but nervous for other drivers, speedbumps, and unfamiliar roads. I was able to get a fair amount of drivetime on the roads and can say that I am used to the traffic patterns. I had to go to another drivers training class when I arrived in Kuwait for my NTV license (non tactical vehicle) and they warned us about the speeds and habits that others exhibit. For one example, so matter how many lanes are marked on the road, there are always room for more. Stop signs off post are mearly a suggestion. It is acceptable to tailgate and flash your brights when you want to pass. It is allright to flash your brights toward oncoming traffic for no reason. The fast lane is the fast lane so stay out unless ur in a race. I have heard that these roads are some of the deadliest in the region.....but all are human error. I personally saw a mid size truck sitting perpendicular on a guard rail about 20 feet from the hole that it placed in it. Anyway, I just stay out of the way and mind my own business when on the road.
I am still not in my job role as a wheeled mechanic, but am tasked with misc logistical operations. It is something to do for now, but I am looking forward to getting my hands dirty some vehicle work. Everyday is hot here and I have been able to experience my first sunburn. i am hesitant to relay specifics of where I am or what I am doing so do not think that my blog is extremely boring.
I am doing well and miss everyone extremely.


  1. I don't think your blog is boring at all! It is great to hear (even the censored version) of what you have been up to!! You can let us in on all the details when you get back :)
    Let us know if you want us to send you a package of suncare products.

  2. Hi Sam. It sounds like the drive experience I have most days when I go to work. I was at your bank today and looked wistfully into your office and saw your things---it made me miss you extremely also. Love, Dad

  3. Dear Sam, It was so good to hear from you on Sunday and good to read how you are doing. The traffic there sounds horrid--kind of like here but worse. We miss you also. Getting dirty is over rated. Love, Dad
